
朱志强 博士/副教授

姓名 朱志强
学位/职称 博士/副教授
所属单位 中国科学技术大学工程科学学院
办公室电话 15155958120
Email zqzhu2017@ustc.edu.cn
(1)	2013.07-2017.06,中国科学技术大学,仪器科学与技术,博士,导师:徐晓嵘教授,司廷教授。
(2)	2011.07-2013.06,中国科学技术大学,仪器科学与技术,硕士,导师:黄文浩教授,李家文副教授。
(3)	2007.09-2011.06,哈尔滨工业大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,学士,导师:刘亚忠副教授。
长期从事先进微流控制造及应用研究,以高性能精细材料制造重大需求为牵引,致力于开发先进微流控技术,精准制造零维至多维先进材料,研发高粘流体雾化、液滴高通量分发以及功能微胶囊制造等先进设备,解决生物医学、能源化工、微型机器人以及3D打印等领域面临的挑战。主持包括国家自然科学基金、省重点研究与开发计划在内的多项国家及省部级项目,以第一/通讯作者在Advanced Materials、Matter、Materials Horizons、Acta Biomaterialia、Lab on a Chip等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文24篇(其中TOP期刊 21篇,JCR Q1 20篇),授权国家专利10余项,获中科院院长奖、国际先进材料学会青年科学家奖等。研究成果多次被权威媒体关注报道,包括中国新闻网、中国科技网、科学网、新华社以及安徽省新闻联播等。担任中国科学技术大学创新创业导师,获XPRIZE碳去除大赛全国第三,省“互联网+”、“挑战杯”金奖、银奖若干项。
(1)	2024.3-至今,中国科学技术大学,工程科学学院,副教授。
(2)	2022.8-2023.8,香港城市大学,机械工程系,访问学者,合作者:朱平安教授。
(3)	2019.8-2024.3,中国科学技术大学,工程科学学院,特任副研究员,合作者:徐晓嵘教授,司廷教授。
(4)	2014.02-2014.08,俄亥俄州立大学,生物医学工程系,访问学者,合作者:徐晓嵘教授,司廷教授。
(1)	2024年	国际先进材料学会青年科学家奖,国际先进材料学会。
(2)	2016年	中国科学院院长优秀奖,中国科学院。
(3)	2015年	博士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部。
(4)	2013年	硕士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部。
(1)	安徽省重点研究与开发计划,2022l07020031,液滴微流体高速精准制备碳捕获微胶囊研究,2022.01-2024.12,50万,在研,主持。
(2)	国家重大专项,GFZX020803.5,靶用液滴先进制备技术及流体物理研究,2024.06-2025.05,40万,在研,项目骨干。
(3)	安徽省科技重大专项,高时空分辨率光声成像仪器,2022.01-2024.12,150万,在研,项目骨干。
(4)	国家自然科学基金青年基金,52003263,基于毛细流动载细胞微凝胶成型机理和控制研究,2021.01-2023.12,24万,结题,主持。
(5)	安徽省自然科学基金青年基金,1908085QE200,流动聚焦技术制备人工细胞的基础研究,2019.07-2021.06,10万,结题,主持。
(6)	博士后科学基金面上项目,2017M622014,流动聚焦技术制备多腔室脂质体及其应用研究,2018.01-2019.06,5万,结题,主持。
(7)	中央高校基本科研业务费青年创新基金,WK2090090022,流动聚焦技术制备脂质体的基础研究,2018.01-2019.12,10万,结题,主持。
(8)	“科大新医学”联合基金,WK2090000014,可激发微纳胶囊的经皮药物传输研究,2018.07-2020.06,12万,结题,主持。
(1)	Chen Li#, Hairui Bian#, Dang Ding, Fangsheng Huang*, Zhiqiang Zhu*. "Enhancing Safety in Small Confined Spaces with Thermal-Triggered Fire-Extinguishing Microcapsules from Microfluidics." Lab on a Chip 24, 4 (2024): 904-12.
(2)	Buyun Guo#, Tianao Chen#, Xianglong Hu, Chen Yang, Zhengdi Shi, Zhaojun Wang, Xizhi Wu, Shuwei Shen, Weiping Ding, Fangsheng Huang, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Programmable Photoswitchable Microcapsules Enable Precise and Tailored Drug Delivery from Microfluidics." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, 5 (2024): 6447-6461.
(3)	Zhiqiang Zhu, Tianao Chen, Yongqi Wu, Xizhi Wu, Zhongliang Lang, Fangsheng Huang, Pingan Zhu, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Microfluidic Strategies for Engineering Oxygen-Releasing Biomaterials." Acta Biomaterialia 179 (2024): 61-82.
(4)	Fangsheng Huang, Jiachao Zhang, Tianao Chen, Qiaosheng Pan*, and Zhiqiang Zhu*. "Advancements in Manufacturing and Applications of Multi-Dimensional Micro-Nano Materials through Interface Shearing." Cell Reports Physical Science 5, 6 (2024), 102033.
(5)	Zhiqiang Zhu*, Tianao Chen, Fangsheng Huang, Shiyu Wang, Pingan Zhu, Ronald X. Xu*, and Ting Si*. "Free‐Boundary Microfluidic Platform for Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Applications." Advanced Materials 36, 7 (2023): 230480.
(6)	Zhiqiang Zhu*, Tianao Chen, Yuanqing Zhu, Fangsheng Huang, Kai Mu, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. “Programmable pulsed aerodynamic printing for multi-interface composite manufacturing.” Matter 6, 6 (2023): 2034-51.
(7)	Chen Li, Jijie Fu, Fangsheng Huang, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Ting Si*. “Controlled Latent Heat Phase-Change Microcapsules for Temperature Regulation.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 25 (2023): 30383-93.
(8)	Zhaojun Wang#, Tianao Chen#, Xin Li, Buyun Guo, Peng Liu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Ronald X. Xu*. “Oxygen-releasing Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine.” Journal of Materials Chemistry B 11, 31 (2023): 7300-20.
(9)	Xiao Xu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Kai Mu, Fangsheng Huang, Ting Si. “Parametric study on breakup of liquid jet in a gas-driven flow focusing process upon external excitation.” Physics of Fluids 34, 4 (2022): 042001.
(10)	Ming Zhang, Zhiyuan Zheng, Yuanqing Zhu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. “Combinational biomimetic microfibers for high-efficiency water collection.” Chemical Engineering Journal 433, (2022): 134495.
(11)	Ming Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Yuanqing Zhu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. “Programmable dynamic interfacial spinning of bioinspired microfibers with volumetric encoding.” Materials Horizons 8, 6 (2021): 1756-68.
(12)	Shiyu Wang#, Zhiqiang Zhu#, Canzhen Ma, Ran Qiao, Chaoyu Yang, Ronald X. Xu, and Ting Si*. “Generation of Nonspherical Liquid Metal Microparticles with Tunable Shapes Exhibiting an Electrostatic-Responsive Performance.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 14 (2021): 16677-87.
(13)	Yuanqing Zhu#, Rong Fan#, Zhiyuan Zheng, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. “Preparation of Anisotropic Micro-Hydrogels with Tunable Structural and Topographic Features by Compound Interfacial Shearing.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 35 (2021): 42114-24.
(14)	Buyun Guo, Rong Fan, Shuwei Shen, Yue Xue, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Photo-responsive Membrane for Tailored Drug Delivery with Spatially and Temporally Controlled Release." Journal of Materials Chemistry B 9, (2021): 8615-25.
(15)	Zhiqiang Zhu, Ming Zhang, Yuanqing Zhu, Fangsheng Huang, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu. "Perfluorocarbon-loaded Hydrogel Microcapsules from Interface Shearing for Magnetic Guided Ultrasound and Laser Activation." Frontiers in Physics 8, (2020): 477.
(16)	Fangsheng Huang#, Zhiqiang Zhu#, Ye Niu, Yi Zhao, Ting Si* and Ronald X. Xu. "Coaxial oblique interface shearing: tunable generation and sorting of double emulsions for spatial gradient drug release." Lab on a Chip 20, 7 (2020): 1249-58.
(17)	Zhiqiang Zhu#, Fangsheng Huang#, Chaoyu Yang, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu. "On-demand Generation of Double Emulsions Based on Interface Shearing for Controlled Ultrasound Activation." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 43 (2019): 40932-43.
(18)	Ming, Zhang#, Zhiqiang Zhu#, Shuai Yuan, Shiyu Wang, Chaoyu Yang, Pankaj Dwivedi, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu. "One-Step Microencapsulation and Spraying of Pesticide Formulations for Improved Adhesion and Sustained Release." Journal of Microencapsulation 36, 7 (2019): 1-30. 
(19)	Fengjing, Zhong#, Chaoyu Yang#, Qiang Wu, Shiyu Wang, Lei Cheng, Pankaj Dwivedi, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Ting Si, and Ronald X. Xu. "Preparation of Pesticide-Loaded Microcapsules by Liquid-Driven Coaxial Flow Focusing for Controlled Release." International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 69, 13 (2019): 840-47.
(20)	Qiang Wu#, Chaoyu Yang#, Jianxin Yang, Fangsheng Huang, Guangli Liu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu. "Photopolymerization of Complex Emulsions with Irregular Shapes Fabricated by Multiplex Coaxial Flow Focusing." Applied Physics Letters 112, 7 (2018): 071601.
(21)	Zhiqiang Zhu, Qiang Wu, Shuya Han, Wanghuai Xu, Fengjing Zhong, Shuai Yuan, Pankaj Dwivedi, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Rapid Production of Single- and Multi-Compartment Polymeric Microcapsules in a Facile 3D Microfluidic Process for Magnetic Separation and Synergistic Delivery." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 275, (2018): 190-98.
(22)	Zhiqiang Zhu#, Qiang Wu#, Guangbin Li, Shuya Han, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Microfluidic Fabrication of Stimuli-Responsive Microdroplets for Acoustic and Optical Droplet Vaporization." Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4, 15 (2016): 2723-30.
(23)	Zhiqiang Zhu, Ting Si*, and Ronald X. Xu*. "Microencapsulation of Indocyanine Green for Potential Applications in Image-Guided Drug Delivery." Lab on a Chip 15, 3 (2015): 646-49.
(24)	Zhiqiang Zhu, Guoqiang Li, Jiawen Li*, Han Xie, Yanlei Hu, Jiaru Chu, and Wenhao Huang. "Self-Driven Flow in Surface Grooves Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser." Surface and Coatings Technology 242, (2014): 246-50.

(1)	朱志强(2018)一种大型微包裹喷雾干燥仪,CN108905249A,CN201810869539.9,2018-08-02。
(2)	朱志强(2018)一种药物微包裹仪及其系统,CN108852847A,CN201810869781.6,2018-08-02。
(3)	朱志强,黄芳胜,徐晓嵘(2024)一种基于螺吡喃的光响应释药微胶囊,CN118001249A,CN202410037102.4,2024-01-10。
(4)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种载液体吸附剂的碳吸附微纤维,CN117942937A,CN202410002852.8,2024-01-02。
(5)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种复合纤维3D打印装置及方法,CN117901407A,CN202410075848.4,2024-01-18。
(6)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种可预警可编程灭火微纤维,CN117867687A,CN202410002850.9,2024-01-02。
(7)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种碳吸附微胶囊的制备方法,CN117920138A,CN202410055082.3,2024-01-15。
(8)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种纤维驱动器,CN117927436A,CN202410075850.1,2024-01-18。
(9)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种相变微纤维,CN117926457A,CN202410002849.6,2024-01-02。
(10)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种微液滴制备装置及方法,CN117899952A,CN202410002847.7,2024-01-02。
(11)	朱志强,黄芳胜,司廷(2024)一种二氧化碳吸附检测装置,CN118130714A,CN202410145197.1,2024-02-02。

编辑:徐若兰 2024-08-08 15:48:43