李鹏 特任教授
姓名 | 李鹏 |
学位/职称 | 特任教授 |
所属单位 | 中国科学技术大学微电子学院 |
办公室电话 | (0551)63607785 |
lipeng18@ustc.edu.cn | |
教育背景 |
2009-2014 美国圣母大学电子工程系,博士 2007-2009 华中科技大学电子科学与技术系,硕士 2003-2007 华中科技大学电子科学与技术系,学士 |
研究领域 |
以基于自旋电子材料和器件的研究为基础,研制智能感知、存储、计算一体化芯片技术 • 新一代低功耗高效能磁性固态存储器(MRAM) • 基于自旋电子学的类脑器件及阵列 • 自旋波量子信息器件 |
任职经历 |
2021-至今 中国科学技术大学微电子学院,特任教授 2019-2021 奥本大学电子与计算机工程系,助理教授 2018-2019 斯坦福大学应用物理系,博士后 2016-2018 科罗拉多州立大学物理系,博士后 2015-2016 希捷科技集团硬盘研发中心,高级工程师 2014-2015 科罗拉多州立大学物理系,博士后 |
获得荣誉、奖项 |
2021年美国Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award 奖 |
主持、参与项目 |
1. 国优青 自旋信息存储与计算器件 ¥200万 2022-2025 主持 2. NSF Probing novel phases of matter in van der Waals magnet Fe5-xGeTe2 $52万 2021-2021 共同主持 3. AFSOR Engineering Exceptional Points in Hybrid Quantum Devices $55万 2021-2021 主持 4. RSP Probing Novel Quantum Phases in van der Waals Magnet Fe5GeTe2 $5万 2021-2022 主持 5. NSF Acquisition of a X-Ray Diffraction System for Materials Research in Alabama $28万 2020-2024 共同主持 6. Auburn University Development of Spintronic Devices for Information Storage $63万 2019-2024 主持 |
论文、著作、成果 |
申请人在Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Science Advances等期刊发表论文50篇,专利3项,专著1章,与三星、台积电、希捷等公司开展了合作研究。 专著章节 1. L. Alahmed and P. Li*, Perpendicular Magnetic Insulator Films for Spintronics in Magnetic Materials. 1st edn ed. D. Sahu Chapter 2 InTech (2020). 代表性论文 27. L. Riddiford, A. Grutter, P. Li, et al., Understanding Signatures of Emergent Magnetism in Topological Insulator/Ferrite Bilayers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 126802(2022). 26. L. Alahmed, X. Zhang, P. Li*, et al., Evidence of Magnon-Mediated Orbital Magnetism in a Quasi-2D Topological Magnon Insulator. Nano Lett. doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00562 (2022). 25. Y. Xiong, J. Inman, P. Li, et al., Tunable Magnetically Induced Transparency Spectra in Magnon-Magnon Coupled YIG/Permalloy Bilayers. Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 044010(2022). 24. Z. Zhou, U. Guin, P. Li*, and V. D. Agrawal, Fault modeling and test generation for technology-specific defects of skyrmion logic circuits, 2021 IEEE 39th VLSI Test Symp. (VTS) 10.1109/VTS50974.2021.9441054 (2021). 23. C. Tang, L. Alahmed, P. Li*, et al., Effects of temperature and structural geometries on a skyrmion logic gate, IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. 10.1109/TED.2021.3130217 (2021). 22. F. Xue, S.-J. Lin, P. Li, W. Hwang, S. X. Wang, et al., Spin–orbit torques of an in-plane magnetized system modulated by the spin transport in the ferromagnetic co layer, APL Mater. 9, 101106 (2021). 21. S.-F. Wang, K. Chorazewicz, P. Li, et al., Ferromagnetic resonances in single-crystal yttrium iron garnet nanofilms fabricated by metal-organic decomposition, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 172405 (2021). 20. R. Li, P. Li, D. C. Ralph, and T. Nan, et al., Anisotropic magnon spin transport in ultrathin spinel ferrite thin films evidence for anisotropy in exchange stiffness, Nano Lett. 22, 1167 (2021). 19. X. Zhang, S. C. Ambhire, Q. Lu, P. Li*, et al., Giant topological hall effect in van der Waals heterostructures of CrTe2/Bi2Te3, ACS Nano 15, 15710 (2021). 18. L. Alahmed, L. Balicas*, T. Mewes*, P. Li*, et al. Magnetism and Spin Dynamics in Room-Temperature van der Waals Magnet Fe5GeTe2. 2D Mater. 8, 045030 (2021). 17. P. Li*, L. J. Riddiford, C. Bi, S. Emori*, et al. Charge-spin interconversion in epitaxial Pt probed by spin-orbit torques in a magnetic insulator. Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 064404 (2021). 16. Q. Shao*, P. Li*, L. Liu, et al. Roadmap of spin-orbit torques. IEEE Trans. Magn. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2021.3078583 (Invited article) 15. S. Emori* and P. Li*. Ferrimagnetic Insulators for Spintronics: Beyond Garnets. Journal of Applied Physics. 129, 020901 (2021). (Invited article) 14. P. Li, J. Ding, S. Zhang, J. Kally, et al. Topological Hall Effect in a Topological Insulator Interfaced with a Magnetic Insulator. Nano Lett. 21, 84 (2021). 13. Y. Xiong, Z. Zhang, P. Li*, et al. Experimental parameters, combined dynamics, and nonlinearity of a Magnonic-Opto-Electronic Oscillator (MOEO). Rev. Sci. Instr. 91,125105 (2020). 12. P. Li, J. Kally, S. Zhang, et al. Magnetization Switching Using Topological Surface State. Sci. Adv. 5, eaaw3415 (2019). 11. P. Li, T. Liu, H. Chang, et al. Spin Orbit Torque-Assisted Switching in Magnetic Insulator Thin Films with Strong Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy. Nat. Commun. 7, 12688 (2016). 10. P. Li, V. Sankara, F. Shah, et al. Fabrication of Pseudo-Spin-Valve Giant Magnetoresistance Arrays for Nanomagnet Logic by Liftoff and the Snow-Jet Process. J. Vacuum Sci. & Tech. B 33, 022801 (2015). 9. P. Li, D. Ellsworth, H. Chang, P. Janantha, D. Richardson, et al. Generation of Pure Spin Currents via Light-Induced Spin Seebeck Effect in Self-Biased Hexagonal Ferrite Films. App. Phys. Lett. 105, 242412 (2014). 8. P. Li, G. Csaba, M. Niemier, X. S. Hu, J. Nahas, et al. Power Reduction in Nanomagnet Logic using High-Permeability Dielectrics. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17B906 (2013). 7. P. Li, G. Csaba, V. Sankar, X. Ju, et al. Switching Behavior of Lithographically Fabricated Nanomagnets for Logic Applications, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B911 (2012). 6. P. Li, G. Csaba, V. Sankar, et al. Direct Measurement of Magnetic Coupling Between Nanomagnets for NML Applications. IEEE Trans. Magn. 11, 4402 (2012). 5. P. Li, V. Sankar, G. Csaba, S. Hu, M. Niemier, et al. Magnetic Properties of Enhanced Permeability Dielectrics for Nanomagnetic Logic Circuits. IEEE Trans. Magn. 11, 3292 (2012). 4. P. Li, G. Csaba, V. Sankar, X. S. Hu, M. Niemier, et al. Power Reduction in Nanomagnetic Logic Clocking Through High Permeability Dielectrics, Device Research Conf. 129 (2012). 3. P. Li, X. Cheng & X. Yang. Micromagnetic Simulation of Microwave Assisted Switching in Ni80Fe20 Thin Film Element, Proc. SPIE 7125, 71250O (2008). 2. Y. Zhang, X. Yang, P. Li*, M. Wu. Strain Engineering of Magnetic Proximity Effect and Spin-Orbit Torque in Heavy Metal/Ferromagnet Heterostructures. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 498, 166112 (2020). 1. Y. Zhang, X. Yang, P. Li*, J. Ouyang, M. Wu. Effects of Growth Order on Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of Heavy-Metal/Ferromagnet/MgO Trilayered Structures. IEEE Magn. Lett. 10, 1 (2019). 合作论文 20. X. Li, P. Li, V. Hou, M. DC, et al. Large and Robust Charge-to-Spin Conversion in Sputtered Weyl Semimetal WTex with Structural Disorder. Matter. DOI:10.1016/j.matt.2021.02.016 19. Y. Xiong, Y. Li, R. Bidthanapally, J. Sklenar, M. Hammami, S. Hall, X. Zhang, P. Li, et al. Detecting phase-resolved magnetization dynamics by magneto-optic Kerr and Faraday effects at 1550-nm wavelength. IEEE Tran. Magn. 10.1109/TMAG.2020.3013063 (2020). 18. J. J. Wisser, L. J. Riddiford, A. Altman, P. Li, S. Emori, et al. The role of iron in magnetic damping of Mg(Al,Fe)2O4 spinel ferrite thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 142406 (2020). 17. L. J. Riddiford, J. J. Wisser, S. Emori, P. Li, et al. Efficient Spin Current Generation in Low-Damping Mg(Al,Fe)2O4 Thin Films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 122401 (2019). (APL cover) 16. J. J. Wisser, S. Emori, L. Riddiford, A. Altman, P. Li, et al. Ultrathin Interfacial Layer With Suppressed Room Temperature Magnetization In Magnesium Aluminum Ferrite Thin Films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 132404 (2019). 15. S. Kattel, J. R. Murphy, D. Ellsworth, J. Ding, T. Liu, P. Li, et al. Broadband Optical Detection using the Spin Seebeck Effect. Phy. Rev. Appl. 12, 034047 (2019). 14. D. Ellsworth, L. Lu, J. Lan, H. Chang, P. Li, et al. Photo-Spin-Voltaic Effect. Nat. Phys. 12, 861 (2016). 13. H. Chang, P. Li, W. Zhang, T. Liu, A. Hoffmann, et al. Nanometer-Thick Yttrium Iron Garnet Films with Extremely Low Damping. IEEE Magn. Lett. 5, 6700104 (2014). 12. D. Schaetzl, P. Li, N. Chaudhari, G. H. Bernstein & S. K. Fullerton-Shirey. Magnetic Alignment of Gamma (Core)-Alpha (Shell) Fe2O3 Nanorods in a Solid Polymer Electrolyte for Li-Ion Batteries, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 18836 (2014). 11. G. H. Bernstein, K. Bulter, P. Li, F. Shah, M. Siddiq, et al. Nanomagnet Logic – From Concept to Prototype. Nanotechnol. 2014, 2, 61 (2014). 10. F. Shah, V. Sankar, P. Li, G. Csaba, E. Chen, et al. Compensation of Orange-Peel Coupling Effect in MTJ Free Layer via Shape Engineering for Nanomagnet Logic Applications. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17B902 (2014). 9. K. V. Manukyan, Y. Chen, S. Rouvimov, P. Li, X. Li et al. Ultra-Small α-Fe2O3 Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Prepared by Template-Assisted Combustion Process. J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 16264 (2014). 8. M. A. J. Siddiq, K. Butler, H. Dey, F. Shah, P. Li, et al. Bernstein Nanomagnet Logic Gate with Programmable-Electrical Input. IEEE trans. magn. 50, 3401604 (2014). 7. M. Imtaar, P. Li, E. Varga, C. Csaba, G. H. Bernstein, et al. Nanomagnetic Logic Devices Fabrication Using Nanoimprint Lithography. 13th IEEE Int’l Conf. Nanotech. 578 (2013). 6. W. Porod, P. Li, F. Shah, M. Siddiq, E. Varga, et al. Nanomagnet Logic. Proc. Device Research Conf. 129 (2012). 5. A. Dingler, S. Kurtz, M. Niemier, X. S. Hu, G. Csaba, P. Li et al. Making Non-Volatile Nanomagnet Logic Non-Volatile. 49th Design Automation Conf. 476 (2012). 4. H. Li, F. Hou, P. Li & X. Yang. Influences of Switching Field Rise Time on Microwave-Assisted Magnetization Reversal. IEEE Trans. Magn. 47, 355 (2011). 3. K. Dong, X. Cheng, J. Yan, W. Cheng, P. Li, et al. Effect of Ni Doping on the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of FePt Films. Rare Metals 28, 257 (2009). 2. P. Li, X. Cheng & X. Yang. Micromagnetic Simulation of Microwave Assisted Switching in Ni80Fe20 Thin Film Element, Proc. SPIE 7125, 71250O (2008). 1. J. Yan, Z. Li, K. Dong, P. Li, G. Q. Lin, X. S. Miao. Influence of Porous Alumina Underlayer on Structure and Magnetization Reversals of Hybrid Recording Media, Proc. SPIE 7125, 71250N (2008). 美国专利 3 U. Guin, P. Li, C. Tang, J. Xu, W. Zhao, L. Alahmed, M. Sadi, “Ultrafast Logic Designs With Skyrmion-Magnetic Domain Interconversion – SkyMDILogic,” Application No.: 63/254,209, (2021) 2 R. Mendonsa, J. Trantham, J. Kiely, P. Li and J. Christensen. Performance Monitoring of a Near-Field Transducer of a Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording Slider. US Patent US20190103132 (2019). 1. R. Mendonsa, J. D. Trantham, J. Kiely, P. Li and J. Christensen. Heat-assisted magnetic recording device capable of detecting degradation of NFT by measuring back-heat from medium. US 10147454B1 (2018). |
编辑:徐若兰 2022-11-08 17:34:14