
陈志波 博士/教授

姓名 陈志波
学位/职称 博士/教授
所属单位 中国科学技术大学
办公室电话 055163600754
Email chenzhibo@ustc.edu.cn
2003年至2012年在SONY和THOMSON(Technicolor)等公司研究创新部门工作,曾任Thomson研究创新部门主任科学家(Principal Scientist),多媒体实验室主任,公司专家委员会Distinguished Member,公司专利技术委员会成员等职。
[1] IEEE Senior Member.
[2] Secretary (Chair-Elect) of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC).
[3] Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Circiut and System for Video Technogloy (TCSVT).
[4] Chair Guest Editor of IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems Special Section on "Optimized Image/Video Coding based on Deep Learning", 2021.
[5] Member of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA).
[6] Member of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Education and Outreach (CASEO).
[7] Member of Image, Video, and Multimedia (IVM) Technical Committee of APSIPA (Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association).
[8] Chair of Technical Program Committee of international Picture Coding Symposium 2019.
[9] Area Chair of ACM Multimedia-Asia 2020, Program Committee member of ACM Multimedia 2020/2019.
[10] Track Chair of (IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems)ISCAS-2021/2022, RCM of ISCAS 2007~2020.
[11] Area Chair/TPC Member of IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing) 2010~2022.
[12] Member of Best Paper Selection Committee of IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing) 2012.
[13] Guest Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Section on "QoE-Aware Wireless Multimedia Systems".
[14] Chair Editor of IEEE MMTC E-Letter special issue on “Quality of Experience issues in media delivery”, 2011.
[15] Organization Committee member, Chair of ICME 2011 Multimedia Standard, Services and QoE Trac.
[1] National Nature Science Award (Second Class) 2018
[2] Ministry of Education Nature Science Award (First Class) 2017
[3] Institute of Electronics Nature Science Award (First Class) 2015
[4] ACM Multimedia Outstanding Reviewer Award 2019
[5] IEEE ICME Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020
[6] 1st place winner Award on "Perceptual Metric Track" of CVPR Challenge on Learned Image Compression Workshop-2021
[7] 1st place winner Award on "learning based image inpainting" Grand Challenge of IEEE ICME-2019
[8] 1st place winner Award on Youku Grand Challenge on "Video Enhancement and Super Resolution", 2019
[9] 1st place winner Award on "light field image coding" Grand Challenge of IEEE ICIP-2017
[10] IEEE CASS Outstanding Technical Committee Recognization Award, 2021
[1] Joint Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC-U1908209 ,PI
[2] National key R&D project,2016YFC0801001 ,PI
[3] Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC-61571413 ,PI
[4] Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC-61632001
[5] National key R&D project,2018AAA0101400
[6] Major Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC-61390514
Simeng Sun, Tao Yu, Jiahua Xu, Wei Zhou, and Zhibo Chen*, "GraphIQA: Learning Distortion Graph Representations for Blind Image Quality Assessment", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2022. 
Shilin Wu, Jun Shi, Zhibo Chen*, "HG-FCN: Hierarchical Grid Fully Convolutional Network for Fast VVC Intra Coding", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022.
Changsheng Gao, Li Li, Dong Liu,Zhibo Chen, Weiping Li, Feng Wu, "Two-Step Fast Mode Decision for Intra Coding of Screen Content", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022.
Xin Jin, Li Zhang, Chaowei Shan, Xin Li, Zhibo Chen*, "Dual Prior Learning for Weakly-supervised Single Image Restoration from Blended Distortions", Vol.31, pp.1042 - 1056, IEEE Trans. on Imge Processing, 2021. 
Yaojun Wu#, Xin Li#, Zhizheng Zhang, Xin Jin, Zhibo Chen*, "Learned Block-based Hybrid Image Compression", Vol.32, Issue.6, pp.3978-3990, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, June, 2022. 
Yingxue Pang, Jianxin Lin, Tao Qin, Zhibo Chen*, "Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2021. 
Zhizheng Zhang, Cuiling Lan, Wenjun Zeng, Zhibo Chen*, Shifu Chang, "Beyond Triplet Loss: Meta Prototypical N-tuple Loss for Person Re-identification", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2021. 
Xin Li, Jun Shi, Zhibo Chen*, "Task-driven Semantic Coding via Reinforcement Learning", Vol.30, pp.6307-6320, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2021. 
Zongyu Guo, Zhizheng Zhang, Runsen Feng, Zhibo Chen*, "Causal Contextual Prediction for Learned Image Compression", Vol.32, Issue.4, pp.2329-2341, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022.
Xin Jin, Cuiling Lan*, Wenjun Zeng, Zhibo Chen*, "Style Normalization and Restitution for Domain Generalization and Adaptation", Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2021.
Jianxin Lin, Yingce Xia, Sen Liu, Shuxin Zhao, Zhibo Chen*, "ZstGAN: An Adversarial Approach for Unsupervised Zero-Shot Image-to-Image Translation", Early Access, NeurocComputing, 2021.
Jianxin Lin, Zhibo Chen*, Yingce Xia, Sen Liu, Tao Qin, Jiebo Luo, "Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation", Vol.43, Issue.4, pp.1254-1266, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021. 
Wei Zhou, Jiahua Xu, Qiuping Jiang, Zhibo Chen*, "No-Reference Quality Assessment for 360-degree Images by Analysis of Multifrequency Information and Local-global Naturalness", Vol.32, Issue.4, pp.1778-1791,IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022.
Jiahua Xu, Wei Zhou, Zhibo Chen*, “Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment with Viewport Oriented Graph Convolutional Networks”, Vol.31, Issue.5, pp.1724-1737, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021.
Jun Shi, Jianfeng Xu, Kazuyuki Tasaka, Zhibo Chen* “SASL: Saliency-Adaptive Sparsity Learning for Neural Network Acceleration”, Vol.31, Issue.5, pp.2008-2019, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021. 
Jun Fu, Zhibo Chen*, Xiaoming Chen*, Weiping Li, “Sequential Reinforced 360-Degree Video Adaptive Streaming with Cross-user Attentive Network”, Vol.67, Issue.2, pp.383-394, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, June, 2021. 
Ya Zhou, Zhibo Chen*, Weiping Li, “Hierarchical visual comfort assessment for stereoscopic image retargeting”, Early Access, Signal Pprocessing: Image Communication, 2021.
Kun Yang, Dong Liu, Feng Wu, Zhibo Chen, Weiping Li, “Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding”, Early Access, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021.
Shengyang Zhao, Zhibo Chen*, “Various density light field image coding based on distortion minimization interpolation”, Vol.77, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021.
Simeng Sun, Tianyu He, Zhibo Chen*, “Semantic Structured Image Coding Framework for Multiple Intelligent Applications”, Vol.31, Issue.9, pp.3631-3642, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021.

编辑:徐正春 2023-01-09 15:33:30